Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New Ways to Win Customer Loyalty

According to a new white paper, "Leveraging Loyalty Data to Enhance the Customer Experience," many competitive companies are changing their approach to loyalty programs, based on new customer expectations.

Customer needs have always been a high priority for competitive sales organizations, but are you equipped to inspire long-term loyalty among your most valuable customers? It's no secret that the wants and needs of today's multichannel, social customers have become more intense than ever. At a minimum, customers expect
  • higher levels of trust from companies and sellers,
  • more benefits (for the same price),
  • a better and deeper understanding of their needs, and
  • quicker turnaround on questions and deliverables.
To meet these high demands, sales organizations are putting more pressure on loyalty programs to help them track and meet the preferences and desires of their most valuable customers.

In the white paper, industry experts Don Peppers, Founding Partner of Peppers & Rogers Group, and Melissa Boxer, Vice President of CRM Products Marketing and Loyalty Solutions at Oracle Corporation, say that sales leaders need to leverage integrated CRM systems and data in order to forge stronger bonds with customers and cement long-term loyalty. The goal is to use touchpoints to deliver a "unified, personalized, and relevant customer experience."

For example, Peppers describes his personal experience using Amazon.com to drive home the importance of cultivating an environment of trust: after clicking to purchase a book, Peppers received an automatic message notifying him that he had already bought that particular title. The message asked him to confirm that he wanted to buy another copy of the book.

"Now, here's the difference between ordinary trustworthiness and what [Peppers & Rogers cofounder] Martha Rogers and I call extreme trust, or trustability," says Peppers. "It wouldn't have been untrustworthy for Amazon simply to sell me the book I was ready to order; it wasn't Amazon's mistake, it was my mistake. And I wouldn't have considered the company to be dishonest in any way if it simply sent me a book that I ordered by mistake. But because of the data Amazon has access to, it was able to help me avoid making a mistake. Its database's memory of our past transactions was obviously better than mine. Amazon used that to gain my trust."

Your loyalty program should be using data to put structure around these kinds of customer touchpoints, say Peppers and Boxer. In this way, you can bring all your resources – sales, marketing, and customer service – to support customers and keep them happy. You can also start to segment customers and see from whom you're getting the most value. Peppers acknowledges that not all customers are created equal.

"Some customers are worth more, some are worth less," he says. "But to truly treat different customers differently, you have to treat each customer in a way that reflects everything you know about that customer. You want to be able to optimize your business around one customer at a time – not around the average customer, but around each different customer."
– Curated from Selling Power Editors

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nov. 9th, 2012 Networking Event in Livonia!

Cocktails and Connections!

33775 Plymouth Rd., Livonia, Michigan 48150

Cost $0.00

Come join us on Friday, November 9th at 5:00 pm for some food and drinks, while we mix in some business networking fun! 

Be sure to bring plenty of business cards / materials to hand out and your smile. 

What to expect: A fun social event with the ability to make some fantastic new connections or socialize with some current ones.

What NOT to expect: A stiff, boring, and uncomfortable atmosphere with a hard closing sales pitch, or to be sold to.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A few more simple steps to improve your online presence!

By Tracy Congdon

Once the keyword research and competitive analysis are done (since these are your very first steps in creating or improving your online presence or to “getting found online”), we can move on to a couple more.
Creating your citation, or how your company name, address, phone number, and website appear, is another overlooked step. You want it uniform across the entire web. Each correctly created listing gives you and your website more authority on the internet, increasing your placement.
For example your phone number could appear 734-252-9014 or 734.252.9014 or the more traditional (734) 252-9014. It doesn’t really matter how it appears as long as all of your business listings are identical, down to the placement of a period. Business listing websites like Merchant Circle, Yelp, and Citysearch will pull from Google, Yahoo, Bing or other reputable sites and create their own business listings for you. Their goal is to drive web traffic to them when a search is performed. These listings are not always identical, creating erroneous citations. These should be claimed and corrected as soon as possible. I created a tool to check your listings along with your online presence and posted it here http://goo.gl/8fQE2 (this link was created with Google’s URL shortener.) This link will open an application I have placed inside of my Facebook business page.
When you create certain business listings you must also claim them to make them effective. Feel free to email me for a complete listing of these sites or for additional help.
According to NYTimes.Com, 68 percent of consumers look for a company’s Facebook business page before they choose to do business with them. If you are not found there, those Facebook users will find your competitor and give them a call instead. Creating a correct Facebook business page, NOT a personal page, for your business will only benefit you. If you are not on Facebook, at least make sure your business is. There are companies, like us, that will create and monitor your Facebook page for you. We monitor over 35 pages and see to it they are up to date along with being found and generating positive traffic.
Tracy Congdon, president of Get Found on Google, has 15 years of business-to-business sales experience and over 5 years in business development. During that time, Tracy has extensively studied internet marketing, picture and video marketing along with consistently staying on top of Google’s numerous trends and changes in the way they rank websites. Combining these techniques gives him many powerful tools to place companies on the first page of a Google search for their industry and area in an organic (not paid advertising) search.
You can contact him at Tracy@GetFound-on-Google.Com; call (734) 252-9014; or visit the website atwww.GetFound-on-Google.Com.

How Email Marketing Can Fill Your Pipeline!

Having used numerous email campaign services, in my opinion, none compare to Jeffery Gitomer’s “Ace of Sales” when it comes to relationship building.  Why does this work so well? Visit Ace of Sales and use promo code “Congdon30” for a 30 day trial and see. During which you can send out as many emails as you like and send 1 postcard and 1 greeting card at no cost.

Email Has A Huge Audience. Despite the popularity of social media the fact remains that 72% of people check their email more than 6 times a day. This means email is a reliable way to get and stay in touch. It’s also very inexpensive. People Prefer Email. Research also shows that 77% of people prefer to opt in to permission based marketing via email. 

Email Marketing IS Effective. 67% of people surveyed have made a purchase based on getting a promotional email. Email Helps Launch Social, Local and SEO Campaigns. For example launching a new social media campaign or reputation management initiative is much easier with a large email list of interested participants.

What Small Businesses Need To Do
  1. Start The Lists: Most businesses do not even have an email list. Those that do are usually not updated or organized.
  2. Existing Customers, who you email weekly a short email offering some value.
  3. Prospects / Potential Customers  (see 48-Hour follow up below)
  4. Build A Newsletter or ezine (electronic magazine) for weekly mailings to your lists.
  5. Build Nurture Emails, after setting up your ezine format, create a series of emails for your new prospects that you can set-up and schedule for future delivery. Automating this part of your campaign. 
  6. Track Results, as with any marketing efforts, in-depth tracking is required to know if it’s working.
Always Use The 48-Hour Follow Up. Whether you just attended an expo or a trade show (which you can locate through www.meetup.com) or met a few prospects at a local mixer. Use the following steps to ensure your success. Always make notes on the back of the business cards you’ve collected so you can accurately recall topics of conversation. Using your laptop/mobile device login to your email marketing account and enter these new leads, as completely as possible. Send them a branded email thanking the prospect and touching on the topic of your conversation. Track the responses to these emails and use your CRM to set reminders for future actions. Repeat these steps each time you collect a business card and soon your pipeline will be flowing over with qualified leads. For additional videos, tips and techniques on email marketing visit www.Facebook.Com/AceOfSalesTrial

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Get Found on Google | Tracy Congdon | ABEC's Small Business Review

Get Found on Google | Tracy Congdon | ABEC's Small Business Review

Happy hour just increased your online presence

By Kristy Erdodi

Tracy Congdon
Entrepreneurs find inspiration in all types of places. Tracy Congdon found his at happy hour. As a self-employed credit card processing professional, Tracy was talking business with friends at a bar. His industry was becoming increasingly challenging, thanks to cost-free processing apps on mobile phones. He mentioned his online marketing campaign, developed to fight these obstacles. A local landscaper who couldn’t establish an online presence overheard. “A guy to my left said, ‘I could pay you X amount of dollars to do that for me right now,’ ” Tracy remembers. Get Found on Google had its first client.
The landscaper’s success was almost immediate. “He called me one day and said, ‘I have to hire somebody to answer my phones,’ ” Tracy said. “As I kept putting the pieces in place, he called me and said, ‘I have to get another crew together.’ ” Needless to say, the landscaper spread the word, and Get Found on Google got more clients. And the landscaper’s online presence remains: “He’s still on the first page of Google search and still has about 318 phone calls going in on a monthly basis,” Tracy said.
Although Get Found on Google launched in Belleville, Michigan a little over a year ago, Tracy has been in the business for himself for several years. “In the credit card processing industry, I had to find new ways to get my name out there,” he said. He has since also taken courses on Internet marketing.
In short, Tracy uses multiple avenues to direct traffic to a company’s website. This includes creating business listings, clearing up erroneous listings, putting picture and video marketing in place and maximizing on social media opportunities. “Facebook and Foursquare and Twitter are absolutely mandatory for certain businesses,” Tracy said. “A brick and mortar business can skyrocket their foot traffic and their cash sales by using these three tools.”
Video marketing is another of Tracy’s specialties. “At any given time, for your big key words, there’s probably 4.5 million websites competing for those words nationally and about 10 to16 thousand videos,” he said. So he creates videos, equipping them with careful titles, tags and key words, to enhance search engine optimization. He then tracks his success.
Get Found on Google’s costs typically break down to $15 an hour, which is extremely reasonable for Internet marketing services. Aside from affordability, Tracy also comes with an understanding of his clients’ struggles. After all, it took years of trying to establish an online presence during his credit card processing days for him to “Get Found on Google” today.
If you have found this story to be interesting, informative or inspiring, please let Tracy know! You can contact him at 734-252-9014; visit him at 49575 Bog Rd. #2, Belleville, Michigan; email him at tracy@getfound-on-google.com; or visit the website at www.Facebook.com/GetFoundOnGoogle.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Grow Your Sales Pipeline!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Building Business Mixer

Date:  Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Time:  5:30pm until 8:30pm
Location:  Spirits Restaurant & Lounge

Food served at 5:30 Speakers start at 6:30
2111 Rawsonville, Belleville, Michigan 48111
Cost:  $15 pre-registered $20 at the door.
Pre-Register with this link http://locbusnet.com/online_payments.html

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to get a domain for The Team Dot Bizz

If would like to have a domain you buy point to your personal http://www.the-team.biz/YourNumber website here is how we make that happen!

First Click here! -> GoDaddy - World's #1 Domain Registrar

That should open this window below...

Use the circled box to locate an available domain name, using your first and last name is always a great start. You can have as many domains as you want all forwarded to the same website. If the domain you select is available you should the window below. 

Select continue to registration from here and select "No Thanks" to the offers that will pop up (unless they do interest you.) The rest SHOULD be self explanatory, but if you do have any issues don't hesitate to call me and if I can I will walk you through the process to forward your new domain to your website. Thank you! -Tracy

Get Found on Google
49575 Bog Rd. #2
Belleville, MI 48111-2506
(734) 252-9014

Social Media Marketing | Video Marketing | Branding | Strategy For Marketing | Internet Marketing | Get Found on Google

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Videos are the wave of the future

If a picture says 1000 words, a video tells the whole story. Actually it is better than a story. The brain can fill in the gaps and elaborate with its vast imagination.YouTube is now the 2nd largest search engine on the Web. Why? Because people like to find video answers to their questions, as opposed to searching pages and pages of text. So, all you need is 30-45 seconds and good images and you’ve just engaged your audience. 

Some Facts about Videos:
• Did you know that adding video to your website makes your site SIX times more likely to convert a “browser” into a paying customer? This was the result of a recent study by Forrester Research.
•The same study showed that only TWENTY percent of web visitors will sit and read the majority of the text on a website, but EIGHTY percent will sit and watch the same content when presented in the form of a video.
•A company web site is also FIFTY times more likely to be ranked on the front page of Google if it contains video.
• According to Comscore, retail site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on a site on average and are 64 per cent more likely to purchase than other visitors.

Here is an example of a promotional video we recently did for the Local Business Network

We only ask $120. each per video or 5 for $495. we can even mail a DVD copy out along with sending the file. Call us today and have your video(s) in 24 hours! 

Get Found on Google

49575 Bog Rd. #2

Belleville, MI 48111-2506
(734) 252-9014

Social Media Marketing | Video Marketing | Branding | Strategy For Marketing | Internet Marketing | Get Found on Google

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ace of Sales = Email Marketing

Ace of Sales is the golden ticket of selling! Make sales, close deals, and build loyal relationships. Ace of Sales gives you the tools and training to attract, engage, differentiate, thank, stay in touch, and WOW customers. Oh yeah, and make sales!

Find more information at www.Facebook.com/Congdon30

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Andrew Edwards recommends Business Consultant Tracy Congdon

(re-posted from my LinkedIn) http://www.linkedin.com/profile/recommendations?id=174012322&trk=NUS_PREC-more

Dear Tracy,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.

Details of the Recommendation: "With Get Found on Google my business can now Get Found Local, Get Found online, more importantly I Get Found First. So if you want to Get Found Now I highly suggest calling Tracy Congdon with Get Found on Google he will see to it that you Get Found by Design don’t try a How To Get Found company go with someone that has tried and proven methods for getting you there in a short amount of time!" 
Service Category: Business Consultant
Year first hired: 2012
Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity

Thursday, March 29, 2012

How to Get Found

Contact Information
Would you like to have a brief consultation on how YOU can be found on the first page of a 
Google search, fill in the form below then hit "submit!"
*First Name:
Last Name:
Address Street 1:
Address Street 2:
Zip Code: (5 digits)
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

Instantly Find How You're Ranking VS. Your Competition

Get Found Online (734) 252-9014

Get Found on Google http://www.GetFound-on-Google.Com

At "Get Found on Google," we implement a balanced approach of on-site and off-site page optimization including competitive analysis, keyword research, content writing, on-site optimization, link building, social marketing and more to be sure YOU are found on the first page a Google search!

Get Found on Google
49575 Bog Rd. #2
Belleville, MI 48111-2506
(734) 252-9014

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Video Marketing (734) 252-9014

Videos are the wave of the future. If a picture says 1000 words, a video tells the whole story. Actually it is better than a story. The brain can fill in the gaps and elaborate with its vast imagination. You Tube is now the 2nd largest search engine on the Web. Why? Because people like to find video answers to their questions, as opposed to searching pages and pages of text. So, all you need is 30-45 seconds and good images and you’ve just engaged your audience. What I’m finding is that videos that are placed on a web page will help entertain traffickers to that website to stay and watch — building a good score on the search engines, over time, which is vital to reduce the bounce rate and increase the time spent.

Too few organizations use video effectively as a promotional tactic, and most don’t even think of video at all, except for YouTube. Video has the twin advantages of being highly viral and extremely mobile (think iPods). Any PR practitioner who fails to include video as a tactic is unnecessarily limiting the promotional campaign’s ultimate success.

Here is an example of a promotional video we recently did for the Local Business Network

We only ask $99. each per video or 5 for $299. we can even mail a DVD copy out along with sending the file. Call us today and have your video(s) in 24 hours! 

Get Found on Google
49575 Bog Rd. #2
Belleville, MI 48111-2506
(734) 252-9014       

Social Media Marketing | Video Marketing | Branding | Strategy For Marketing | Internet Marketing | Get Found on Google

Monday, March 26, 2012

LinkedIn Recommendation

Get Found on Google
49575 Bog Rd. #2
Belleville, MI 48111-2506
(734) 252-9014

Social Media Marketing | Video Marketing | Branding | Strategy For Marketing | Internet Marketing | Get Found on Google

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Get Found on Google Commercial

Get Found on Google
49575 Bog Rd. #2
Belleville, MI 48111-2506
(734) 252-9014

Social Media Marketing | Video Marketing | Branding | Strategy For Marketing | Internet Marketing | Get Found on Google

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

54% of internet traffic is Video Marketing

 “32% of all internet traffic right now is on YouTube.” and “54% of internet traffic is Video Marketing” 

 Now here’s the BIG ONE: “For every 1 keyword there are 4,600,000 articles competing for the 1st page of Google. For every 1 Keyword there are only 16,000 videos competing for the 1st page of Google.” So if you want to rank fast and high in Google, do you want to an article and compete with 4.6 million or a video and only compete with 16 thousand?? Well that’s easy to answer... 

 So the question is “How Do I Create Great Video Marketing And Get Found on Google?” Get a hold of me and I will fill you in! -Tracy

Topic: Video Marketing

Friday, March 9, 2012

Get Found on Google, much more than just SEO and Internet Marketing!

Get Found on Google, much more than just SEO and Internet Marketing!
When you have Get Found on Google working for you it is only a matter of time before your business will be found on the first page of a Google search for your industry and area. As research will show us, it is those businesses that are found on the first page in the first few places that get 80% of the online business. Once we sit down together and develop a solid internet marketing plan specifically designed for you and your business then the magic can begin. I have had great success with companies that have brick and mortar locations as well as tradesmen working from their homes. Typical results range from 14-60 days until we hit that “sweet spot.” Then we work together to maintain it! When I rank you in the top of the search it de-ranks your competition at the same time. That is why I will only work with one client of a particular industry in one area.

Give this a try… go to your favorite search engine and type in your industry city st like this example Internet Marketing Belleville MI and see where, if at all, you rank. Were you happy with those results? If not call, me and we will fix that immediately (734) 252-9014

Everything I do is track-able, each month on the anniversary of the day we began working together I present hard evidence showing the effectiveness of my time and your money. This ranges from Facebook insights, website traffic, phone log, and more.

With my services you also get social media marketing where I show the power of Foursquare and how it too can be used to drive traffic to you. Why Facebook and Twitter are a must as well as additional tools. I will also monitor and update these services for you since neither one is of any use unless maintained daily.

Topic: Get Found

Tracy Congdon
Advertising & Media
Michigan,United States
Send Message | View Profile

What is Ace of Sales?

What is Ace of Sales?
It’s the first sales software program that actually helps you make sales! Jeffrey Gitomer has personally helped create Ace of Sales, a web-based service to help you make sales, close deals, and build loyal relationships. Ace of Sales gives you the tools and training to attract, engage, differentiate, thank, stay in touch, and WOW your customers.
Oh yeah, and makes sales!
Personalized Sales Makers
  • Personalized Emails – Stand out with emails that strengthen your brand and build loyal relationships.
  • Ezines – Get in front of all your customers with weekly value messages just like Jeffrey.
  • Postcards – Send 1 or 1000! Printed and mailed for you in about 24 hours.
  • Greeting Cards – The easiest way to send personalized greetings. Printed and mailed for you in about 24 hours.
  • Perforated Greeting Cards – Send a printed Greeting Card with two tear-off business cards inside.
  • Gift Cards – Add one to any Greeting Card order.
  • Custom Designs – Upload your own photos and create customized, unique designs.
Once you’ve signed up and uploaded your logo, it’s all done for you. Your Sales Makers are all ready to go! No fussing with graphics or editing HTML. Everything sent from Ace of Sales is designed with your brand identity.
Powerful Sales Making Features
  • Individual/Corporate Accounts – Sign up yourself or sign up your whole team.
  • Video Training – Video how-to’s and tips provide practical selling ideas and tactics.
  • Tracking – Track who opened your emails and when, so you know the exact time to follow up with a call.
  • Easy Follow Up – Use sales calendar reminders to nail the seven touches needed to close the sale.
  • Customer Strategy Files – Store the personal customer info you really need.
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